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Catalogue Administration Examples

Similar to "Manage Navigation and Pages", the "Manage Catalogue" page enables management of the catalogue menus and sub-menus, etc. and provides access to adding items or products to navigation menu links.

The catalogue entry or home page can be managed similarly to a Gallery page with promotional  text and image data above and below a list of "featured" items.




  Administer Catalogue


List Category Items

Clicking Manage Items provides a list of items in the catagory or sub-category and provides access to add and edit items and access management of item images.




  Administer Catalogue


Edit Item

After adding a new item in the previous item list screen, clicking "edit" provides an item editing page.

You can move the item to a different category, add a search friendly URL link, format the item detail page content and choose to display in "On Special", "Just In" and "Featured" Items.






  Edit Catalogue Item


Manage Item Images

Clicking Manage Images provides a thumbnail display of images already added to a particular item or product. You can add and delete images as well as sort the order of display and choose a favourite




  Manage Item Images
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