Catalogue Administration ExamplesSimilar to "Manage Navigation and Pages", the "Manage Catalogue" page enables management of the catalogue menus and sub-menus, etc. and provides access to adding items or products to navigation menu links. The catalogue entry or home page can be managed similarly to a Gallery page with promotional text and image data above and below a list of "featured" items.
List Category ItemsClicking Manage Items provides a list of items in the catagory or sub-category and provides access to add and edit items and access management of item images.
Edit ItemAfter adding a new item in the previous item list screen, clicking "edit" provides an item editing page. You can move the item to a different category, add a search friendly URL link, format the item detail page content and choose to display in "On Special", "Just In" and "Featured" Items.
Manage Item ImagesClicking Manage Images provides a thumbnail display of images already added to a particular item or product. You can add and delete images as well as sort the order of display and choose a favourite
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