
Adding Galleries and Gallery Images

When adding a page to a navigation menu item, you are able to select the page to be a "Normal" or "Gallery" type page. Any page except the home page may be a Gallery page. A normal page may also be changed into a Gallery page in "Edit Page" and vice versa, although the second "vice versa" option will cause any text already inserted via the lower CK Editor (below a gallery) to become invisible.

Before you can select a Gallery for insertion into a page, you must first create one.

Adding Galleries

Before adding a Gallery type page, while in your administration, click the "Galleries" item on the top menu bar.
Here you may add, edit and delete galleries. To delete an existing gallery, existing images in that gallery must be deleted before the gallery can be deleted.

The name you give your Gallery will appear in the Gallery select box when editing a Gallery type page. This name will also display as the gallery name in the gallery page when created. Gallery notes are not seen, they are just for your reference.

Once a Gallery is added, you can click on "Manage Images" to add images, add and edit text and links

Adding Gallery Images

Please note, In BusyCMS 3, the website "Home" page enables the use of an image "Slideshow" at the page top.  When used in an image slideshow, to retain continuity of page and image display, all images added should first be cropped/sized to the same proportions. Currently a width of 910 pixels and depth of 607 pixels would work for a standard 6x4 image. Slideshow images that are not of uniform dimensions will cause the page text to move up/down as the slideshow image changes.

For other galleries where images popup from clickable thumbnails, uniform size does not matter.

To add gallery images, while in "Galleries > Manage Images", click on "Add Image"

Thumbnail Text: This caption text is limited and displays on the clickable  image thumbnail.

Image File: Image files are limited to types - jpg, gif, and png. Files with the extension *.jpeg should be changed to *.jpg. Thumbnails are automatically created on upload and the full size image (popup) is downsized to fit within a box of 910 pixels in width and height. Smaller images are not upsized.

Image Text: Image text displays below the full size image popup when the thumbnail is clicked. This text has limited styling available, and although is not limited by amount, should be kept to about a paragraph.

Sort: This provides a method of arranging the display order of the thumbnails in a Gallery. Normally you would just insert 1, 2, 3, 4 ..... etc.
If you want to add or edit an image to display within existing added images without renumbering many, you can use a decimal value.
e.g. 1, 2, 3, 3.1, 3.2, 4, 5, 6........ etc.

Add Link: This link will display below the image text in the full size image popup. it requires a full URL including "http://" or "https://".

Add Link Text: If added, this text will display instead of the URL text. e.g. "Go To The Website".

Once added, the clickable image thumbnails will display in "Manage Images" like they will in the public website Gallery pages. You can click on a thumbnail to check any inserted text and/or URL link and edit if required.

Images that are larger than our Gallery's maximum display dimensions (910 pixel width/height ) will be downsized.
Typically images from digital cameras are much too large for web display in dimensions and in megabytes.
This can lead to long upload durations, painful if you have many images to upload.
We recommend resizing and/or cropping your large images prior to upload, especially digital camera images, to a maximum of 910 pixels in width and/or height.
Images when resized and saved as *.jpg, *.gif or *.png format will usually be well below the maximum 2mb upload limit. Optimising to about 80% also helps reduce size and usually provides acceptable quality.

There are many image editing applications downloadable on the internet, some even free, that are capable of resizing, optimising and saving images.

Next - Using The Catalogue

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Information on this website is provided in good faith. BusyCMS functions may change from time to time. Specific requirements should be first verified with BusyWeb prior to setup.

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