Get free shipping on all gift items this month.
Thank you so much for your fast delivery! We needed our gifts delivered in time for our anniversary party .....they are unreal! Thanks again
………Tom Smith
The BusyCMS Catalogue and Shopping Cart can be activated as your website home page or from a link in the top horizontal menu.
Products displayed can be with or without "Add To Cart" buttons and product options. Demos of the different types of product display can be seen by selecting a categoy from the catalogue menu at left.
As well as the top categories seen at left, there are two levels of sub-categories available "On Mouse Over" with unlimited products/items in each category.
Each product detail page can have an optional image slideshow and up to two additional image galleries on the page providing multiple image displays of the product. (Suitable for Real Estate or Car Sales, etc. ) Every item detail page has a WYSIWYG editor enabling a flexible layout & content design to best suit the product. Paragraphs, bulleted lists, graphics, logos, Google Maps, etc.
An attactive dropdown Paypal shopping cart is built in and appears when an item is added to the cart. |
Checkout via Paypal is enabled by simply adding your Paypal account email in the website administration.
Per item shipping can be added to each product or shipping can be configured in Paypal.
Information on this website is provided in good faith. BusyCMS functions may change from time to time. Specific requirements should be first verified with BusyWeb prior to setup.